Friday, July 18, 2008

July 18th. Hazen, ND

Here it is the middle of July and we are at the half way point in our stay here at Hazen Bay. It hardly seems possible, my how time flies when you enjoy what you are doing and where you are at. We continue to have the camp ground nearly full every weekend and seem to be having a few more people here during the week than in the past two years. I did a count over the 4th. of July weekend we had 85 RV camper units and 7 tents. The RV park is being discovered by more and more people every year. Nearly all of them comment on what a peaceful undiscovered gem it is and nearly everyone of them return. We are also listed in several discount camping books and get such great comments from those travelers also. The fishing has really been slow this year, but as you can see by the picture on the left it has been pretty good the last couple of days. Some of the seasonal campers have put up light displays this year. The picture shows one of the more elaborate ones done by one of the really energetic and talented ones. It is directly across from our motor home and you will find us most weekends sitting around their campfire.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hazen Bay

We have been here at Hazen Bay for 6 weeks. It has been a busy time as it seems that this year the Army Corp. of Engineers has picked Hazen Bay as the place to harass, so Nancy has been spending a lot of time tyring to resolve those issues after their weekly inspections. It has been a cold summer here to date. Two weeks ago we finally broke 70 degrees and then a day later 80 and on tues. of this week 90 degree's and it is a cool 55 degree's as I write this at 9AM. The nights are still cool however. The pictures at the left was taken about 9 last evening. Our weekends have found most of our camping spots in use. This weekend July 4th. we are full to capacity. The fishing has been very slow until about 10 days ago, but now the fisher people seem to be doing pretty good. The lake is rising at a very fast pace. It has risen 10 feet since our arrival and they talk like it may rise another 8 ft. That means that the Hazen Bay may be about 1/2 full by the time it quits rising. It is already higher than we have ever seen it since we have been coming here. When you stop and think that this lake is 70 miles long and 3 or 4 miles wide in places that is a lot of water.