Friday, September 19, 2008

Omaha, NE

We left Hazen Bay Sept.3 rd. arriving at Fort Robinson State Park near Crawford, NE for a 3 day reunion with my 3 sisters and their husbands. This is something we try to do every year. I am so blessed to be from a family that gets along so well and not one of us harbors any bitter or harsh feelings. That is tribute the way our parents raised us. From there it was a short drive back to Hart Ranch near Rapid City for the region 4 Newmar Kountry Klub Rally. While in the Rapid City area we revisited many of the places that we had visited about 25 years ago. I must say they have all undergone major improvements and are now much better than they were in the past. We also drove the wild life loop and the Needles hi-way in Custer State Park. After leaving Hart Ranch on Sept. 13 th. we drove to Imperial, Ne where we set up camp in our sons lush buffalo grass yard. While there we had the motor home serviced and took care of some business as well as seeing friends and relatives. I have to mention my 85 year old uncle Wesley that we visited. We called their house in the morning to see if they would be home and Aunt Marjorie said he was moving cattle from pasture to the feed lot at home and she would check with him. He called back in a few minutes and said that he would be free from 2 until 4. We drove into the yard about 2 and the last truck was just backing up to the loading chute to unload. After watching them unload and looking at the cattle we went to the house for ice cream and banana bread and a nice visit. We left around 4 as he needed to get the cattle into the proper corral and fed yet that afternoon. I really think that is amazing for an 85 year old man. Yesterday we left Imperial and traveled hi-way 6 to the KOA here in Gretna, NE. It was a nice leisurely drive with little traffic and much better scenery than traveling I-80.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hazen Bay Sept. 2nd.

As the sun sets on another great summer experience here at Hazen Bay on Lake Sakakawea in North Dakota it's hard to believe the summer has gone by so fast and that tomorrow we will be on the road again. I guess it is time as I am getting itchy feet and need to be moving again. I don't know what we will do when we get to old for this and I can no longer scratch that itch. Our plans are to arrive in Florida late in Oct. hopefully in time for Oktoberfest at Buttonwood Bay. We definitely have fall in the air here in northern ND. Sat. & Sun we had temps of 95 to 100 degree's and yesterday the high was 57 degree's with rain showers and more of the same forecast for today.
The labor day weekend again saw us with a full campground. We had many familiar campers along with some new ones. One of our regulars brought their cotton candy machine and supplied cotton candy for the whole camp ground. This is the second time this year they have done this. Sat. evening we sat around the another campfire and had a pre wedding celebration for one of our seasonal campers daughters who is getting married next weekend. We also were invited to numerous campsites for delicious meals and farewell toasts and chats. Mon. morning it was a steady stream of people stopping by the motor home or the office to bid us farewell. Being the softy that Nancy is there were also a few tears shed. For some reason that we don't understand we have grown fonder and bonded closer with the people here than any other place we have ever been, even more so than Buttonwood Bay. We like what we do here and the people so much that after analysing the cost of our planned Alaska trip we have decided to return to Hazen Bay and do this all over again in 2009. We have seen the lake level come up 20 feet this year and hopefully it will rise that much next year and we will be able to see the bay full of water.