Monday, November 17, 2008

Lawn Mower Races

Sat. evening found daughter Terri, friend Donnie and myself at the Avon Park Mower Plex for the monthly lawn mower races, yes I said lawn mower races. They race riding lawn mowers that in some classes will run up to 55-60 MPH. They race on an oval track, usually 15-20 laps per race. Sat. evening the most they had in a race was 8 lawn mowers, but I have seen them have 15-20 mowers per race when they have national points races. It seems that it doesn't take to much to entertain some of us retired folks.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Buttonwood Bay

We have been back in Florida for 3 weeks now. The house didn't sell so we have been moving everything back into it and we will live in it this winter until we head back to North Dakota in the spring. It was a big job moving it out and it seems to be a bigger one getting things moved back in. Nancy has been going through alot of it and has decided that she really doesn't need much of it. It has been warm and humid here and we are not adjusting very well. We are both ready to travel again so I think there is a 100 mile trip for about 10 days coming up for us right after Thanksgiving.
I got started back doing volunteer work with Horses and Handicapped this week so I feel a little more at home again and not quit so restless. We are pretty much back in the routine again playing 3-31 0n Tues. & Sun eve. and cribbage on Wed. eve. Going to Sun morning brunch after church with our friends Charlie & Almeda.