Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sun set On Lake Sakakawea

Last night we got to enjoy a sunset by boat on Lake Sakakawea. Mike Retsin one of our seasonal campers asked if Nancy & I and Paul & Mary would like to go out on the lake for the sunset. Of course we said yes the lake was pretty calm as we had not had much wind yesterday. It was a very enjoyable evening. One does not realise how huge this lake is until you go out on it especially in the evening. Lake Sakakwea is about 80 miles long and up to 5 miles wide and 150 deep in the old river channel. They say if it were drained it would cover the state of North Dakota with 6 inches of water.

Friday, August 21, 2009

New Salem Sue

On Mon. of this week friends Paul & Mary Osborne from Kentucky arrived to spend a few days with us. On Wed. afternoon David & Beverly Simmons from Arizona, whom we had met at Perry, GA this spring called to say they were on the way to spend the afternoon and evening with us. We had a very enjoyable but short visit with them. Thur. morning Mary, Paul & I decided to go to New Salem so they could see the giant Holstein cow that sits on a hill about 30 miles west of Bismarck. New Salem Sue stands 50 feet tall and weighs 12000 lbs. The New Salem Lions club along with the area dairy farmers erected her at a cost of $40000 back in the 80's.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Meyer Wedding at Hazen Bay

Sat. Aug 15th. at 4 PM Hazen Bay Recreation Area was the setting for the wedding of Jeff & Michelle two of the our seasonal campers. They had planned to have the ceremony on the point below the cabins overlooking the bay but high winds and the threat of rain caused them to have the ceremony in a large tent that they had put up in the grassy area behind the c-store. After the ceremony they had a reception dinner for invited guests. The whole park was invited to the wedding dance that lasted until 11PM.
I am guessing that this is the first wedding ever held at Hazen Bay.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

tour of the freedom minePlant

Our son Dan arrived on Mon. for a short visit. Wed. we toured the Freedom coal mine the Antelope Valley Power Plant and the Dakota Gasification Plant. Freedom coal mine supplies coal for the power plant and the gasification plant both owned by Basin Elec. Power cooperative. The power plant has the capacity to generate 900 mega watts of elec. The gasification plant produces enough synthetic natural gas to heat 400 thousand homes all year long. The gas is of the same quality as regular natural gas and is put into a pipe line and co mingled . They also produce Anhydrous ammonia, xenon, argon, krypton as well as co2 that is piped to Canada and injected into the oil fields to nearly triple their daily production. The coal mine returns the land to the original topography as well as restores all wet lands and is better land production wise when they are through with it.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hazen Bay

We arrived back at Hazen Bay last Mon. late afternoon. It seemed good to be back after nearly four summers hear it seems like home to us. This week has been a rather strange week weather wise. It has been coo, but early in the week it was really dry so spent a lot of time watering grass and trees. By Wed. PM it had become cloudy and we received some rain. Thur. afternoon I was able to mow for most of the afternoon and Fri. was cool windy and showers just kept rolling thru every 2 or 3 hrs. All in all I think we got 1/2 in. of rain for the week. This weekend is the archery tournament that the local archery club hosts every year the first weekend in Aug. This year it is a state shoot so they expect 200 or more to go through the course as compared to most years when it is a regional shoot with about 150 going through. They hold it at our lower tenting area and the targets are out in the hills and brushy coulies in an adjoining farmers pasture. This evening we will go the the big barbecue. We also have a family get together here this weekend so we are fairly full again this weekend.