Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sea Turtle Friends

Yesterday Ken & Joyce Greenwood our Sea Turtle friends from Florida arrived and will spend a few days with us. After we ate supper Mike Rixen one of our seasonal campers took us for an evening cruise on the lake. The lake was smooth like glass as there was no wind. The picture of the deer was taken about 8:45 after the sun had set. The deer was along the lake and ran to the top of the hill to pose for a beautiful picture. The sunset picture was taken about 10 minutes earlier as the sun set behind the cloud on the horizon.
We arrived back at the boat ramp about 9:15. We are truly blessed to have such great friends both locally and in Florida.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Neat ending to a cool nasty day

Sat. morning June 12 started out drizzly, cold (50 degrees) and miserable. However by noon it was just cool (60 degrees) and cloudy. The day ended with this beautiful sunset about 8:30 in the evening. Just another in a never ending series of beautiful sunsets her in North Dakota.

Friday, June 11, 2010

June in ND

This starts our 3rd. weekend here at at Hazen Bay. Last weekend was nice but camping was slow. This weekend is cold and rainy with hardly any campers. It looks like this is going to be a slow year compared to last year. The weather will warm by the first of July and we will be busy again I am sure. The picture of the abandoned farm stead is north of Hazen. The old threshing machines are also located between here and Hazen. Every time I pass them I am reminded of a parade of circus elephants. I am sure that they were placed like that as a windbreak for the farmstead just to the south. There are hundreds of abandoned threshing machines in ND. Usually you only see one at a time and it will be sitting on top of a hill.