Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sunsets at Hazen Bay on Lake Sakakawea

Another week has passed in No. Dakota and we have enjoyed a beautiful sunset every evening. We will no longer be seeing them as we moved our motor home to a different site yesterday. It is one that has some protection from the wind but we can no longer set at the table and enjoy the view thru the bay to the west. They said we had sixty mph winds in the night last night but we didn't even feel them. If we had been in our old spot we would have been rocking & rolling. The new site puts us closer to the office and amongst our old friends from last year.

Wed. of last week we went to Bismarck and toured the No. Dakota Heritage center located on the grounds of the state capitol. It takes you from the dinosaur age through present time. We enjoyed it very much. When we tell people what we have done we always hear you see so much and we have lived hear for years and haven't seen any of those things. It seems that is true all over this great land of ours, the travelers see things and the natives don't ever take time to see them.

Last weekend we opened up the 22 new sites to the seasonal campers that have them rented. That will make for a busier campground on the weekends than we are used to. We do enjoy the seasonal campers as you make close friendships with alot of them. They seem to keep us feed and supplied with fish too.

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