Monday, August 6, 2007

Hazen, ND

It's time for another update from Hazen Bay. The weather continues to be hot and dry. However it is only in the 90's instead of the 100's as it was. We have had some rain this morning it it is raining as i write this. The camp ground continues to be rather busy on the weekends but is pretty dead during the week.
a flax field in the distance I think it is a lake until I get closer and realise that it isn't a lake. I will make The North Dakota landscape this summer has been like a giant patch work quilt that continually changes colors. When we arrived in late May there were the green pastures with brown fields of bare dirt and green fields of growing wheat & barley. That soon changed to a patchwork of varying greens. When the canola fields came into bloom some of the patches in the quilt changed to yellow and some of the pastures started to take on a tan tint as the heads of grass began to mature. In a week or so the barley fields turned to a gleaming white tan color and the winter wheat fields turned to a golden brown while the spring wheat fields began to change from and deep green to lighter green as they began to turn to their eventual golden brown color. Now the sun flower fields are starting to take on the deep yellow colors as the seed heads form and the grass on hills has turned to the tan green color of mature grasses. I forgot the occasional blueish color of the flax fields at the same time the canola fields had their yellow colors. Every time I Seeanother post in a week or two.

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