Sunday, December 30, 2007

Rose Parade float building

This morning we boarded the buses at 7:45 for the 1 hour ride to Pasadena where we toured a float building tent as well as one building where they were working on floats. They start designing these floats as soon as the parade theme is announced. They usually announce it soon after the parade is over. On Dec. 26th they are allowed to start gluing and attaching much of the plant material. They start with the flowers on the 29th. and all work must stop at noon on the 31st. All parts of the float are covered by plant material or flowers or seeds. The big majority of the work of covering the floats is done by volunteers. I would hate to guess how much glue is used or how many hours it takes to do just one of the floats. This evening we have an Hawaiian Luau here at the resort.

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