Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Salome, AZ

Here we are in Salome,AZ 50 miles from the nearest stop light, over 1 hour to the nearest Wal-Mart and 100 miles to Phoenix. We will be here through Feb. except for a couple of short excursions we have planned. The weather here is a little warmer than Morgan Hill, however we aren't always feeling chilled to the bone like we did there. I guess the dry desert air is the difference.
We are at Desert Palms RV & Golf Resort probably the nicest RV Park in the area, also one of the newest. Salome is a town of less than 1000 population. It has one cafe, one small grocery store and a couple of gas stations.
We received our mail today so I think that was the last batch of Christmas cards. Thanks to all who sent them we enjoyed hearing from each and every one of you. As a child growing up we always were at the mail box by the hi-way anxiously waiting Mrs. Briggs delivery of the daily mail. Now with traveling full time we only get mail a couple of times a month but once I know Teri has forwarded it I still look forward to it just as I did when a child growing up.
I just did a spell check and guess what ain't is now one of the options if you misspell aren't.

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