Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bowling Green, MO.

After spending the last two weeks in Omaha cleaning out a house and getting it ready to put on the market we are finally on the road again. Yesterday morning we left the KOA Kampground at Gretna, NE heading south on hi-way 5o after crossing into Kansas we turned east at Seneca KS on US 36. we continued east on 36 crossing the Missouri River at St. Joe . driving east across MO on 36 we saw many fields of corn and soy beans but very little harvest activity has occurred yet. Just west of Hannibal, MO we turned south on us 61 and stopped at the Lazy C campground at Bowling Green, MO. We are about 12 miles west of the Mississippi River that is the boundary between Mo. and Ill. We have enjoyed not driving the interstate since leaving ND and have decided that we will go all the way to Sebring without using the interstate system.Today we drove to Pleasant Hill, Ill. where we visited my 99 year old aunt Inez and 3 of my cousins. Aunt Inez is another of my amazing relatives she is the only living aunt or uncle on my fathers side. She has lived at her home in Pleasant Hill until this last spring when she fell and broke her arm and had to go to the nursing home in Pitsfield, Ill. To look at her you would swear she wasn't a day over 75 and her mind is so sharp that she puts us younger people to shame the way she can tell you all about when different people were born, things about the family and her life.

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