Wednesday, February 24, 2010

50th wedding anniversary celebration

Sat. Feb 2oth 1o couples from Buttonwood Bay took part in the annual 50th wedding anniversary renewing of vows and celebration. This is for residents of Buttonwood Bay who will celebrate their anniversary during the year. A whole year of planning by the committee goes into this event so it is really an elaborate event. We started the day at 9 AM with a photo session. At 1PM there was a luncheon at the Quality in for the celebrants and their guests. Then at 6:30 the renewal of vows fallowed by the wedding dance that ended at 9:30. Each couple could have up to 22 quests. Daughter Chris from CA and daughter Terri, my sisters and brother in laws and niece Stephanie from NE and CO were here, also friends Paul and Mary from KY and 3 couples from here in the park were our guests. When we left to go home we got into the golf cart and started down the street and heard this terrible clattering behind us. Come to find out our brother in laws had been up to their usual antics and had tied a string of cans to the back of the golf cart. We had left them at the house when Nancy, myself and the girls had to go to the rec hall to prepare for the ceremonies and they had also short sheeted the beds.


Ilene said...

Enjnoyed your update to your blog.
Will work on your book when I get the remaining pictures.

CLS said...

Mary was glad to have had a chance to 'sneak down' to the Rec Hall to see you. Don't have any future address for you guys ..........