Friday, July 9, 2010

July 4th.

July 4th weekend we were full to overflowing and had very nice weather. The lake continues to rise at a rapid pace of 2 to 6 inches per day. When you stop to think of the size of this lake (75 miles long and up to 5 miles wide) one just can't comprehend how much water is coming down the Yellowstone river out of the mountains. I have been told that when the lake is this full that the water in it would cover the state of North Dakota to a depth of 6 inches.
On Sat. we added snake tamer to the list of duties that a camp host performs. I know my children won't believe it, but that is me holding a 5 ft. long bull snake. It had appeared by one of our cabins and the father had put his fish dip net over it and was going to move it away, but the snake got entangled in the net and that is where I got involved. I put my gloves on and held his head and body while the father clipped his fish net and the mother and daughter, holding their hands over their mouth looked on from a safe distance.
Our campers here take such good care of us on Sat. evening we were invited to a cream can supper hosted by one of our seasonal campers. Mid afternoon another camper brought us 3 big slices of a sauerkraut bacon roll they had baked. Sun morning about 11;30 another camper invited us to a brunch of pancakes, potato sausage and bacon. One camper brought Nancy a bottle of wine and some one else brought us two kouchens. Every week someone brings us rhubarb or vegetables or fish. We are sure going to miss all of our friends and campers here next year as we have decided this will be our last year here.

1 comment:

Chriskaye said...

Dad how can you be smiling and holding the snake? Glad it was you and not me.Chris