Sunday, May 15, 2011

Onancock, VA

On Sat. we went to the village of Onancock located on Onancock creek (a deep water creek) about 4 miles from the Chesapeake Bay. It is located about 20 miles from the camp ground on the Atlantic Ocean side. In early times it was an important port for steam ships transporting farm produce and other goods. We had planned to take the ferry to Tangier Island accessible only by water or air but the ferry wasn't running. It seems that things don't really start to much until Memorial Day weekend.
Late evening when the tide came up it got high enough that it just about came into the camp ground. The locals say this was because of the full moon and strong winds that we had from the east. They say it will occasionally cover the camp ground with water. There are not sandy beaches here instead there are clam beds where you can rake clams when the tide is out. The picture was taken today from the motor home and the tide was out. As you can tell from the surf it was another windy day.

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