Saturday, July 7, 2007

WOW Almost 2 weeks since the last post. The weather has changed from rainy, cool & windy to hot and dry and not as much wind. Not much to report as we have been pretty much here taking care of the camp ground. We didn't take Tues. & Wed. off this week as Sheryl had company from Chicago and wanted to spend time with them. The camp ground continues to be nearly full every weekend. That is a change from last year when some weekends were nearly empty. Yesterday I had my first chance to go out fishing and we limited out by 10 AM. From all reports the fishing hasn't been as good as it was last year.
The picture is Hazen Bay Campground. I climbed the hill to the east of us this morning to take the picture. I am sure glad they turned out as I didn't want to climb it again. The coming down was more treacherous than the climb but not as exhausting.

1 comment:

Grandma Joy said...

Hi, Nancy

I found it. It will be great to see your pictures and find out all or the things you have been doing. Joy