Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Tournament of Roses Parade

We had our New Years supper & dance last eve. We celebrated The ringing in of the New Year at 9 PM with the people in New York. The reason for that was that we had to get up at 4 AM this morning to be on the buses ready to leave by 5 AM. It was a one hour bus ride to within 1/2 mile of the exit and a 1 1/2 hr ride the last 3/4 mile. We were worried that we weren't going to make it but we did with about 15 min. to spare. Our bleacher seats were about 1/2 mile from the start so we were back on the buses by 10:30 and back here to the RV park just shortly after 11:30. Our seats were 2nd row about 20 feet from the floats. It was amazing to see the finished version of the floats that we had observed being worked on Sun. morning. The floats are awesome and beautiful works of art. I saw on the news yesterday that the cost of the floats ranges from $100,000 to $450,000. The Chinese float was surrounded by police officers as there was a lot of controversy about them having an entry. The bands were all very good and to me seemed very large. Most of them had to have over 200 band members besides the flag drill teams etc. I am sure some of them were at least 2 or 3 blocks in length. The equestrian entries to this old farm boy were first class I especially enjoyed them. The banners and crowds that fallowed the parade were a surprise to us. All in All it was an amazing parade and I am so glad that we were fortunate enough to have been able to be a part of it.

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