Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another season ended

Fall is in the air and another season here at Hazen Bay has come to an end. The leaves on the trees are starting to change color and the geese that have been here all summer that have been flying noisily over head for a couple of weeks getting their young ready for the trip south have disappeared. The farmers are nearing the completion of the harvest of the earlier fall crops such as wheat & barley.
We had a very busy Labor Day weekend with 116 total camping units here. The weather was warm and very little wind. On Fri evening Friends of Hazen Bay had a Fleishkuekla fund raiser to raise funds to pay for the playground that was just installed. The event was a great success as they cooked 784 Fleishkuekla. There was also cotton candy provided by one of our campers along with many baked goods.
What is a Fleishkuekla you ask? Well it is a this very flat piece of seasoned hamburger wrapped in bread dough that is then deep fat fried. It is of Russian origin being brought to this area by the Russian Germans when they immigrated to this area. We have never seen them in any other part of the country but really enjoy them as they are very tasty.
We have enjoyed our 4th. summer here at Hazen Bay doing what we really like to do and doing it with people that we have came to consider as family and in an area of the USA that we really like. One can't ask for any more than that in their retirement years. We are so blessed to be able to do this and enjoy relatively good health. As soon as a package that we are waiting on arrives we will begin our journey back to our home in Sebring, FL hoping to arrive in time for Thanksgiving.


Chriskaye said...

It sounds like you had a good summer

Ilene said...

Still wonder where you are going when you leave Hazen Bay.

PG said...

Love to read your writings! Always from the heart and with so much appreciation for things that most people here take for granted. You and Nancy are a joy to know!