Sunday, October 14, 2007

Grants, NM

We arrived at Balloon Fiesta field about 1PM on Tues. Oct 9th. WE parked about 1 mile south of the balloon launch field with about 40 other Newmar coach's. Tues evening was orientation and a demonstration by a balloon pilot.
Wed morning it was up early and down to the launch field for the mass ascension at 7AM. It is really something to watch some 600 balloons being laid out and launched in a matter of an hour & 1/2. Nancy stayed at the motor home and watched them come over the top of where we were camped. Mid morning we all loaded into 2 buses and were taken to Santa Fe for a an afternoon of shopping and strolling around the plaza. Thur. morning at 7 AM the launching of some 90 special shape balloons occurred. There was the Wells Fargo stage coach, two super bee balloon, Clara Bell the cow and many more. Thur. evening after a tour of old town Albuquerque and the Indian culture center we watched the glow of the special shape balloons and the fire works that fallowed. Fri. was a free day until 3:30Pm. So we watched the launching of the special shapes again as they came over the motor home. Fri evening we went up Sandia Mountain by tram for supper. The tram ride is two mile up the mountain to an elevation of 10500 ft. Well after we had eaten we were going back to the tram and found that the trams had been stopped due to 45 MPH winds. Since there is no other way down the mountain we had to wait about 2 hrs. until the winds had gone down. We arrived back at the motor homes around 12:30 that night. Sat. was another mass ascension but since the winds were from the south we didn't get to see then come over the motor home.
This morning Sun. I went down to watch them launch again and we then left the balloon RV parking lot around 10:30 AM. We arrive in Grants, NM after noon and have visited my cousin Arlene Harvey this afternoon.

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