Thursday, October 25, 2007

Salome, NM

We arrived in Salome, AZ just afternoon today after spending from Sat. until this morning at the Thousand Trails Resort between Cottonwood and Camp Verde AZ. We are finally seeing some farm ground having seen none since leaving Texas some two weeks ago.
On Tues we visited Montezuma Castle located near Camp Verde, AZ. Southern Sinagua farmers began building this 5 story 20 room dwelling early in the 1100's. It stands in a cliff recess 100 ft. above the valley. It is believed that 150 to 200 Sinagua lived here until about 1400 when they seem to have just disappeared. On Wed. we drove US 89A to Prescott, AZ and had a spent a very enjoyable afternoon visiting with my cousin Dick Williams and his wife Gloria. Prescott is on the other side of the mountains that are just west of Cottonwood. It was a very pretty drive with lots of switch backs. It is a good thing we drove it in the car as I had planned to go that way with the motor home this morning. Some of the turns going thru the town of Jerome couldn't have been navigated with the motor home and car in tow. As a result we changed plans and went south on I-17 to just north of Phoenix were we went west on US 74 and then Us 60 to Salome.

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