Monday, September 14, 2009

Arrowhead RV Park Cascade ID

This morning after a call to the manufacturers service dept. it was a quick fix and the leveling jacks retracted and we were on the road about 8:30. It was back through Missoula on US 93 and west on US 12 along the Lochsa River some 100 plus miles through the Clearwater National Forest to Kooskia ID. This was a winding road with about 25 miles of road construction that took about 4 hrs to traverse but it sure was a beautiful drive. It was then south on ID 13 through a large valley with ranches and some farm land. Most of the route so far had elevations ranging mostly 1500 to 2500 ft up to 5500 ft over the mountain passes. At Grangeville we turned south on US 95 driving through grass covered mountains and then into tree covered mnts. with the Salmon river on our right side. At New Meadow we turned onto ID 55 traveling along the Payette River through huge meadows filled with cattle and by the time we got to Cascade we were back int0 the forest again and had climbed back up to around 5000 ft. elevation. Our friends John & Mary Feilding stay here in the summer so they were waiting for us when we arrived. Having lived east of the Colorado Rockies all of my life I didn't realize that this far north the elevation of the Rockies would be mostly 1500 to 2500 ft. This whole day has been such a beautiful drive with either a river or a mountain stream on one side or the other for most of the entire 290 miles. It was a time consuming drive taking 8 hrs because of the winding roads.

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