Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fall is in the air

This weekend we have gone from the calm humid mid 90's all week to windy blustery high 60's of yesterday and 50 degree's this morning. This weekend the campground has again been nearly full. It is amazing the number of new campers that are using our campground because they have heard about it from someone else. We have a group of young men from South Africa that are camping here while working for a custom harvest crew in the area. They all come from farm backgrounds and are very interesting to visit with. One of them comes from a farm that has 5000 sheep and 500 cows, anothers family has a farm that raises pistachio's and some kind of fruit. I asked them what the reason was for working in the US and the reply was an opportunity to see the US and every dollar they make here converts to 7 dollars in South Africa.

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