Sunday, August 8, 2010

Murdo, SD

Yes here we are in Murdo, ND again and the temp was 96 degree's when we stopped late yesterday afternoon just like it was a week ago when we were here. After 5 days in south west NE we will be back in Hazen Bay this evening. We kept busy visiting family and old friends. On Fri morning we attended the memorial service for my Aunt & Uncle that had lived in Louisville, KY and their son who had died several years ago. Their ashed were enterned at the cemetery in Wauneta, NE. Fri afternoon we attended a mini Wheeler family reunion at my sister Kathy Cook's house, there were 35 or 40 in attendance. Yesterday we stopped at Stapleton, NE and had lunch with Derb & Lewellen Frey one of my fellow sales reps. from when I sold Pioneer Seed Corn. It is going to feel good to be back in northern North Dakota where the temps are cooler and the humidity is lower.

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