Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Our final weekend at Hazen Bay

Our Last weekend at Hazen Bay has been an exciting,emotional one full of surprises, farewells and a few tears. Fri was a nice warm calm day that kept Nancy very busy with checkins. From 4-8 PM there was a flieshkekla fund raiser to raise funds for playground and other improvements here at Hazen Bay. It was a huge success as they cooked 900 fleishkekla's.
about 7 o;clock Al Mautz the park board president came and got Nancy & I and took us out on the deck where everyone was. He presented us with a very nice combination clock & thermometer from the park board and Hazen Bay campers and thanked us for our five summers here at Hazen Bay. We were really surprised as we had no idea that they would do anything like that for us. Sat. evening Larry & Cindy Moos & Jeff & Dorene Leingang had us come to their campers for turkey, BBQ chicken, sweet corn and cucumber salad. Later Sat evening we were at the Schmidt and Kayler campers for cotton candy. Sun. we were envited to Don & Sandy Retteraths camper for Sunday brunch of Potato sausage, blueberry buckwheat pancakes and orange juice. Sun. eve we made the rounds trying to see everyone we could as rain was forecast for today. This morning it was raining and has continued to rain all day. We had a lot of people stop to tell us goodby as they left. The Kayler boys wanted their picture with Nancy & I. The two oldest ones where about the age of the that the two youngest are now when we came here 5 years ago. The Schmidt girls wanted their picture with Nancy so they could hang it on their bulletin board. We received a lot of cards with very special messages. It is a nice feeling to know that people have really appreciated us and that we have become like part of the family to many of them.
The two pictures show the growth of Hazen Bay Campground in the five years that we have been here and the difference in the level of the lake by the contrast of the bay from being dry to being full. The pictures were taken from approximately the same location on July 4th 2006 and 2010.
The other picture is of Nancy & I with the Kaylor boys.
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Grandma Joy said...

Glad to hear that you had a great weekend. We really enjoyed our time there. See, I do read your blog. Travel safe and thanks again for the great time we had visiting you.

Chriskaye said...

It sounds like you have many of wonderful

PG said...

We will miss you, Kent and Nancy. Your campground neighbors,
Richard and Pat Gisinger