Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pender, NE

Mon. morning after spending the previous 5 days visiting relatives in the Omaha area we departed Two Rivers State Park Campground and proceeded northwest on US 275 to West Point, NE. We then turned north on Rt 9 to the Blue Ox Campground at Pender, NE. We met 14 other Newmar coaches for the NE state Rally of the Newmar Kountry Klub. Wed. morning we went to the veterans memorial that the Pender VFW has built there. They have raised over $200,000 and a built a very impressive memorial to veterans of all the past wars. At noon we had a walking taco luncheon. Then in the afternoon Blue OX put on a seminar about the products that they manufacture for the RV industry. This morning we had a tour of the Blue OX manufacturing plant fallowed by lunch in downtown Pender. This afternoon we drove south to West Point where we had a tour of the new community center there. Some of the leaders in the community raised over $6 million dollars and they have built a very impressive community center for a town of 3500 people. After that we toured the Harry Knobe feedlot and learned a lot about the cattle feeding industry and the marketing of beef. We then had our evening meal at the Hide Away supper club in West Point. It rained most of the day today so it has been very wet. After breakfast of omelets in a bag tomorrow morning we will again be on the road and will have gained a whole new set of RVing friends.

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