Sunday, October 3, 2010

Calico Rock AR

This morning after spending 4 days in Branson, MO We departed southbound on US 65 driving up and down the long limestone, tree covers hills into Arkansas. At Harrison, AR we turned east bound on Rte 401 driving thru more rolling and less steep hills past small hill farms and thru towns with names such as Flippen. At Mountain Home we turned south on A 5 for the last 25 miles to Calico Rock
We went to the Haygood Family show on Thur. eve. They are a family of six boys and 1 girl ranging in age from 17 to 33 years of age. The show has ran for the last 18 years. On Sat. eve we went to the Ray Stevens show. The first 1/2 was a patriotic show and the second 1/2 he sang a lot of his old songs starting with his first hit in 1960. The picture at left is of an interesting group that were seated next to us. When they came in I thought they must be part of the show but they weren't. I guess they just chose an interesting dress for the evening. We spent a lot of time just visiting with Paul & Mary.

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