Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oct. 7 2010

This morning we awoke to sunny skies and no morning river fog. I suppose that was because the temp was near 50 degrees rather than the 40 degrees it had been being. After getting turned around and out of the RV Park with out hitting any rocks or scratching the sides on any trees we headed south on winding hilly roads through the Ozark Mountains with occasional sightings of the White river.
At Mountain View we turned SW on Ar 9 driving on curvier and steeper roads yet. As we neared Clinton it became less curvy as we passed by hilly meadows with cattle in them. At Clinton we turned south on US 65 passing through Conway and Little Rock. As we continued on south the land became fairly flat as we passed by harvested fields of corn, soybeans, rice and cotton. It seemed strange to see volunteer corn knee to waist high in the harvested fields.
Rolling on south into Louisiana it was much more of the same but we did start seeing cotton still being harvested. We also passed many cotton gins and saw several river terminals for loading grain onto barges. We rolled into Vidalia, LA about 5 PM and are set up at the River View RV Park on the banks of the Mississippi River. This is a very nice PA park. The temp has been in the upper 80's most of the afternoon. We have only seen that a few times since leaving Florida in April

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