Sunday, August 28, 2011

Columbia, SC

Here we are at the Barnyard RV Park near Columbia, SC with temp at 98 degree's when we arrived around 5 PM. We left Verona, Virginia this morning under clear skies & calm winds. Traveling So. on I-81 We continued to see large numbers of utility trucks with boom lifts going north. We also saw numerous semi's loaded with industrial generators and a few that were loaded with power line transformers. Yesterday we also saw the same thing, it makes one wonder if there are any utility trucks or workers left in the south. We talked to a friend that was in Lancaster at their sons place, they said there was 4.5 in. of rain and their motor home rocked quit a bit and they also had tree limbs down. I am certainly glad we were in PA and not the New England States where we had been, as I am sure all of those campgrounds also had to be evacuated too.

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