Wednesday, August 24, 2011

roadside stands

This is the time when fruits and vegetables are ripe and ready for use. There are many roadside stands operated by both Amish and English. This is an example of one of the larger ones just about a mile from the campground. Every morning at 8 AM the have 3 or 4 of the large farm wagons loaded with sweet corn priced at $2.75 for a bakers dozen (13 ears). Buy 10:30 they are completely empty. They have peppers 4 for a dollar, tomatoes 4 or 5 for a dollar, cantaloupe, water melon, peaches, eggplant etc. As we were driving last eve about 4 miles from here we came across a dairy that has a store where they sell milk, orange juice, tea etc that is packaged in a plastic bag. They also have ice cream, home made cookies and msc other groceries. You can set outside and enjoy the smells of a dairy barn as you enjoy your ice cream. You can also watch them milk and the children both young and old can interact with the young dairy calves.
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1 comment:

Chriskaye said...

It sounds like fun and you can go down memory lane