Monday, April 28, 2008

Branson Day 3

We boarded the bus at 9 AM for the ride to down town Branson and Branson Landing. Branson Landing is a reclaimed area of down town along the river that is all new shops and eating places. I guess this must be a trend at many tourist areas. I don't know that I agree with it as they seem to destroy a lot of old & historic areas to put in a fancy shopping area. The afternoon found us at the Yakof Smirnoff show. He is a Russian comedian that puts on a two hour show featuring his comedy along with Russian dancers. The show has a deeply patriotic theme that really makes you think about ones self and this great country that we all are so privileged to live in. From there it was on to the Plaza View Restaurant for Dinner. We then went to the Clay Copper Theater for the Clay Cooper Country Music Show. This was another great show featuring Clay Cooper, his very talented wife and 4 year old son Colt along with some other very talented musicians.

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