Shoji Tabuchi Show All one can say about this show is that it has to be the most extravagant and well produced show in Branson. Shoji can and does play any type of music on the violin. He is accompanied by a cast of 29 performers that are equally talented. His daughter Christina is also featured on vocals several times through out the show. His wife Dorothy is the producer and choreographer of the show. At the end he told us that it requires a total of 80 people to put the show on. The rest rooms in the theater are the most elaborate you have ever seen. The men's features a huge pool table as you enter. You then enter the main rest room that features black marble latrines, sinks and stools on lion head pedestals. The women's rest room had orchids on each sink, Chrystal chandeliers and sink lighting, private stalls, many bouquets of flowers and much more.
College of the Ozarks College of the Ozarks is a 4 year college with enrollment capped at 1500. To be accepted the student must show financial need, academic ability, sound character and willingness to work. Each student must work a set number of hours at one of 80 campus jobs or industries to pay for part of their tuition. With that and the help of scholarships and donor contributions every student graduates from college debt free. Some of the things they work at are the dairy, the fruit cake and jelly kitchen, the restaurant located in the huge Keeter Center, the grist mill or the green houses. The Keeter Center was built in 4 years by 250 of the students. The Ralph Foster Memorial Museum is also located on the campus. A person could spend a whole day in the museum.
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