Saturday, October 24, 2009

California City, CA

Fri. around noon we left Morgan Hill after spending two weeks with Chris & David. We made a stop at Camping World in San Martin to get the oil changed but couldn't get it done as the last person to service the motor home had rounded the oil drain plug. From there we went on CA 152 over Pacheco Pass in the Diablo Mountain Range east of Gilroy. We made a stop at Casa De Fruita for fuel and an over night stay. This morning it was south on CA 25 through Holister past the vegetable farms in the valley then on up into the San Benito Mtn Range where we stopped at the Pinnacle National Monument. After stopping at the visitor center we decided not travel the narrow winding road on out to the monument. Back on CA 25 we drove through one of the most beautiful valleys with the tree covered mountains on the right and the green grass covered hills on the left, passing through green mountain meadows and many ranch head quarters. Upon reaching CA 198 we turned east traveling over the San Benito Mtns reaching an elevation of nearly 5000 ft. At Colinga we drove into the level flat valley. At this point we had been on the road for 3 hrs. and had only traveled just over 100 miles of very winding narrow roads. It slow going but the beauty made it all worth while.At I-5 we turned south through the Kettleman Hills with the huge fields on both sides of the highway. As we neared Bakersfield the fields turned into large groves of nut trees. Near Bakersfield we turned east on CA 58 through passing through Bakersfield the fields of nut trees turned into smaller groves of fruit trees. Leaving the farming area behind we started over the long passes over the Sierra Nevada Mtns again attaining an elevation of nearly 5000 ft. After topping the last pass and coming back down into the desert near Mohave the hills to our left and in front of us were covered with hundreds of wind generators.Tonight we are north of Mohave in the high desert at the Sierra Trails RV Park.

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