Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fortuna, CA

This morning after about 30 miles on the road driving past more rocky ocean vistas and thru many more tree covered coastal mountains we left the beautiful Oregon Pacific coast. Almost immediately after passing through the California check point we started seeing small fields of irrigated crops. I saw something about this also being an area where they grow lots of lilies. About 20 miles into Calif we passed through Crescent City and then it was into the coastal mountains covered with huge Redwood trees. At Klamath we stopped at The Trees of Mystery. Here they offered a gondola ride up into the Redwoods witch we didn't take and have a very extensive collection of Indian artifacts and Indian woven bowls, baskets etc. They also had these huge concrete statues of Paul Bunion and Babe the Blue Ox outside of the building. Passing through Acata and nearing Eureka it became notable more populated with much more traffic. Hi way 101 turned into four lanes and travel speed picked up dramatically. We are at the River Walk RV Park in Fortuna tonight enjoying the 15 degree warmer temps than we have been having the last couple of weeks.

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