Sunday, May 22, 2011

Amish country

Today was a cool overcast day. About noon we went to the Lancaster co. visitor center. While there we took a van tour through the rural areas. Sun. is a day of rest for the Amish & Mennonites so most of the dutch restaurants and all of the shops are closed. It is however a great day to see the Amish out and about as for 1/2 of them it is their every other week church day and for the others it is a day for visiting. We saw young men in their open courting buggies either on their way to pick up a young lady or she may have been riding with him already. We saw farm yards full of the covered Amish family buggies where they had gathered for the 3 hour church service.

We saw many families traveling the rural roads going for the Sunday visit. We also saw many mules grazing in the grassy fields near the barns It is a day of rest for them too. About 3:30 we went to Plain & Fancy near Intercourse for another family style meal. We were seated at a table for 10 with a couple from Wis.along with their daughter and husband from Wis and daughter and husband from Virginia and a young couple from about an hour away. Meal was good but not as good as the meal at Good & Plenty Thur. evening. As we traveled the rural roads home we enjoyed the beauty of the many flowering shrubs, Irises and well manicured Amish farm yards and gardens.

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