Sunday, April 1, 2007

Our past week

This past week has been a busy one for us. Mon. Tues. and Wed. were pretty well filled with preperations for the Special Events Grande Finale on Wed. eve. That is our wrapup event for the year. It is a themed event and the tickets are $20. This years theme was patterned after a chuck wagon roundup that would take place in the evening on a trail drive from Texas to Nebraska. We served Prime Rib, Baked potato, Pinto beans, coleslaw & a biscut & honey. WE had a fellow from Atlanta by the name of Leon Jacobs that entertained after the meal. It turned out to be a very successful event. I had been worrying so much about it before we went to Perry, Ga but when we got back I took the attitude that if it happened it happened and if it didn't that was OK too. Our great group of volunteers pulled it off and I have heard nothing but favorable comments.
Thur. morning Nancy had a cathoridization to confirm the blockage in her corrated artery. Sugery is scheduled for Mon. AM. The rest of the week has been moving things to the condo. I built a small cabinet for the motor home and went to the lawn mower races in Avon Park on Sat.

1 comment:

chris Kneubuhl said...

Hi Dad & Mom
Dad thanks look forward to keeping up