Sunday, April 8, 2007

The week in review

Wed late afternoon we met with the renal (kidney&liver) specialist. He was under the opinion that Nancy would need to check into the hospital on Sun. to get her potassium levels up for the operation on Mon. morning. He ordered an ultra sound of her Kidneys & liver area and blood work for Fri. morning. After the Lab report Fri. morning it was determined that her potassium level was up sufficiently for surgery on Mon. I guess the 4 potassium pills that she had been taking everyday finally worked.
Sat. morning the volunteers from Heartland Horses and Handicapped sponsored an Easter Egg hunt & pony rides as a fund raiser. I was really surprised at the attendance as I think we were the only egg hunt in town that had an entrance fee. It cost $5 per child to get in for the egg hunt & cake walk. The pony & horse rides were an additional $5. All in all a very successful event.
Sun. morning was church services at the Rec Hall and then our regular Sun. morning brunch with Charlie & Almeda at the Main Street Diner in Lake Placid. At 4 o:clock we gathered down by the pier to watch the second annual Easter Boat parade on Lake Josephine. There were around 20 boats in it.

1 comment:

Ilene said...

Don't know if this will work or not, but fun to set up an account and try. I was able to get in when I used your address as a link, but not when I typed it in.