Saturday, April 28, 2007

We left Sebring mid morning yesterday April 27th. We stayed in Ashburn GA last night. When we pulled into the RV Park you had to stop at a Motel to register. I went in and a desk clerk of Indian as in India was behind the counter he didn't speak very good English but did find out they had RV hookups and it would cost $8 for the night. I asked if they were pull thru's or not and he had to call another young Indian to come and answer me. I was a little leery but went ahead and paid the $8. He directed me around an empty swimming pool and sure enough there was a group of RV hookups. The sites were all grass and kind of run down but we went ahead and hooked up and everything worked. By the time we went to bed there were three of us there. All in all it turned out to be a pretty good deal when compared to the the $20 - $35 we normally pay for a night. Yesterday was hot as high as 92 degree on the thermometer but it was 54 this morning when we got up. Today was much cooler only around 75 degrees. We were on the road around 8:30 this morning. After coming around Atlanta on the by-pass just when it comes back onto I-75 The traffic came to a complete standstill it was blocked by police cruisers and there was no traffic onI-75. In just a few minutes a hearse and an escort vehicle came down I-75 followed by a couple of hundred police motorcycles with their lights flashing. Behind them were hundreds of motorcycles riding two abreast. I suppose this went on for about 1/2 hour They were fallowed by about 8 fire EMT vehicles in all 5 lanes. The cruisers then pulled out and we started merging in with all of the traffic that was behind them on I75. I am sure glad we were close to the front of the blockage rather than 30 minutes back in that jam. Even so it must have been another 30 minutes driving slow before the traffic got to flowing normally. Tonight we are at the Holiday Travel Park in Chattanooga, Tenn. at a cost of $24 per night. Here we have cable TV, WiFi and all the normal hookups. We saw some corn that was knee high and a few planters planting something perhaps peanuts. It must be dry through most of GA as we saw several sprinklers running and there is a big wild fire in southeast GA. Here in Chattanooga there is water standing in a lot of places in the RV Park. At check in they said they had a lot of rain lately.

Nancy's Dr. appointments have all had good reports and her scar on her neck is really healing nicely. I believe she is even a calmer rider now. She says she feels so much better than she had for the last several months.

1 comment:

chris Kneubuhl said...

s6Hi Dad & Mom
It sounds like you are having an interisting time. Dad are you going to do anything special on your Birthday? Love You
Love Chris