Friday, May 4, 2007

Sun. found us visiting Rock City near Chattanooga, Tenn but actually in GA. It is located atop lookout mountain. It is said that the person that started it thought the rock formations resembled buildings. There are paths through the formations. You pass through narrow crevices, across a bridge (you have a choice either swinging or rock span) from rock to rock and even a cave that tunnels under and out the other side. In this cave are many nursery rhyme displays. From the observation point you can see seven states. It was a very interesting place and I even went into the cave and enjoyed it very much. The above picture is of the falls that fall from the observation point.
Mon. we had planned to go to Ruby Falls but after finding that it is in a cave we decided not to go. We went to Camping World and bought a few things for the motor home and made an appointment to have some HD converters installed on the TV's Tues. morning. The rest of the day we enjoyed relaxing and reading at the camp ground.
Tues. morning took the moterhome to Camping World to have the work done and a 30 minute job turned into a 31/2 hour job. I had expected that as I had checked the wiring and accessibility and knew it was not a job I wanted to tackle. When he quoted me a price of $35 per unit for installation I jumped on that. When we were hooking the car to the motorhome in the parking lot a couple asked us about the cover we use over the front of the car and after a nice conversation we exchanged cards. Thanks to Nancy's outgoing personality we now have 2 more friends that are also just starting to full time. From Chattanooga took I-75 northeast to Clinton, Tenn just north of Knoxville. We arrived there around 3PM and stayed at Fox Inn Camp Ground. After setting up we went about a mile to the east to the Museum of Appalachia as we wanted to go through it. After talking to the people at the front desk due to the heat (90 degree's) and the time needed to go through it we decided to wait until Wed. morning .
Wed. morning we were up hooked up and had moved to the Museum by 8:30AM. The museum is a series of old buildings that have been moved there. One of them has two floores of artifacts and things from families native to the area. They are very well displayed and many have stories that tell of the original person associated with them. Another building was a church setting that had religious collections and stories from people in the past from the area. We spent around 4 hours there and were really impressed with it. Picture below shows some of the buildings.

We left there traveled no. on I-75 then west on Rte 63 north on US27 west on the Sam Nunn Parkway and no. on US55 to Campbellsville KY and our friends Paul & Mary Osborne. We set up on the asphalt between their office and garage. Due the rain they have had the ground under the asphalt was wet and we sunk into the asphalt some. I really feel bad about it but Paul says not to worry as he had sunk with his 5th wheel and was planning to remove the asphalt and put a rock base under it. Paul & Mary are among our closest friends. We met them two years ago at the Samboree in Myrtle Beech. It was good to see them.
Thur. Nancy had a hair appointment and I helped Paul mow lawns at his rentals and took care of some things on the moterhome. In the evening they took us too Liberty, KY for supper. We at at the Bread of Life Cafe. It is run by the Galilean Home The Galilean Home is run by Jerry & Sandy Tucker. They take in children that have no place else to go, children born of mothers in prison. They have taken in over 800 children including nearly 500 500 newborns since it began in 1984. Their family includes 2 of their own and 27 legally adopted ages 14 to 44. They have received 2 presidential awards. The cafe is staffed by many of their children. It is a great place to eat. It is a good old home cooking buffet.

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