Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hazen Bay for the summer

Mon. morning we went to city hall to check in with the new director of parks & recreation, pick up keys, reservation book etc. The new directors name is Joe Amundson he is really young looks to be just out of college. It was sad not to see Jeff Gustafson but we knew last year when we left that we probably wouldn't see him again. Cancer doesn't care if you are young or not. We have a couple named Larry & Sharyl Roth that will be part time camp hosts with us this year. They will also help some in the c-store that is being run by the Roth family here in Hazen that has the Tersaro c-store in town. The park board is in the process of adding another 20 full hookup sites that should be ready in another month. These will be mostly occupied by seasonal campers. That will make the seasonal count around 30 campers. I think it will be a good improvement to the park along with the expanded hours that the new management plans for the c-store it looks like we should have a good summer here. Out of the 3 days we have been here we have had two cold wet days . It is around 50 degrees with intermittent rain showers as I write this. Hopefully it will clear and we can at least get the RV sites mowed before this weekend. We just saw four antelope in the drive way. This morning there was a coyote ran through by the motor home and during the day you can hear the pheasants crowing just over the hill. Every morning I have heard a pair of geese honking down in the bay which is dry at this time, they must have a nest down there. I also see fresh deer tracks in the area where the new sites are being put in.

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