Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

North Dakota campers have to be the heartiest group of campers in the whole world. Picture this if you will it is 45 degrees, raining with the wind blowing out of the east at 15- 20 MPH. Well that's what it was Fri.afternoon and evening and all but 3 of our registered campers checked in for the weekend, two out of the three checked in Sat. Now that is what I call dedicated to camping. Many of them were campers that were here a lot last year. It was good to see them and they all were glad we had returned. Isn't it nice to be liked and appreciated.
Sat. the weather cleared and we warmed up to 60 degrees and it is supposed to reach 70 degrees today. The rain has made these hills so green it gives you such a peaceful feeling to be nestled in them with such a perfect view of Lake Sakakawea. This morning Nancy saw a couple of turkeys come strolling by the motor home and disappear over the hill by the cabins.

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