Thursday, November 5, 2009

Huachuca City, AZ

On Mon. we drove to Sun City Grand on the north west edge of Phoenix where we enjoyed a nice visit with Lee & Leola German a couple that we knew from our years in Imperial. We watched a CD about the straw house that their daughter has built in Colorado and also one on their time in the Philippines as a missionarys and bush pilot for the New Tribes Missions. Both were very interesting. We then stopped by new friends David & Beverly Simmons at Sun City where we got a tour of their nice house and then we went out for mexican food. We arrived back in Cottonwood about 9:30 PM. Tues and Wed. we just relaxed and then this morning we left Cottonwood heading south on I-17 at Phoenix I-17 joins I-10. Driving SE we passed through a huge irrigated valley with lots of cotton that mostly had been harvested. After traveling through Tuscon and heading east the terrain becomes more rugged with mesquite covered hills and sparse grass, the Santa Catalina Mtns on the left and the Santa Rita Mtns on the right. Near Benson, AZ we turned south on US 90 for about 30 miles and then east on AZ 82 at Hauchuca City to the Tombstone Territories RV Park. We have a beautiful view of the Dragoon Mts to our east and the Santa Rita Mtns to the west.

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