Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Alexander Graham Bell National Historic site

Today was the first sunny warm day we have enjoyed while here in Nova Scotia. We visited the Alexander graham Bell Historic site here in Baddeck. Bell was born in Scotland, however he moved with his parents at a young age to Ontario because of the ill health of he and his siblings. His life long passion was education of the deaf. He taught the deaf in Boston and invented a device to help them hear and talk as well as the telephone. He married one of his deaf students. After achieving financial success he and his family built a summer home at Baddeck, Nova Scotia. The hills and trees and water reminded him of his beloved Scotland. He was a man who would spend hours thinking about how he could make things happen. He took the Wright Bros. airplane invention and added aerleons and had the first motorized airplane flight in Canada in 1909. He figured that if boats could raise out of the water that they would move much faster. He along with a young engineer that was like a son to him developed the hydra-foil boat during WW1. However the war ended and it never caught on. He also invented many other things including instruments for measuring airflow. His most cherished invention was a glass tingle enclosure in which he would put salt water from the Bras d-Or lake. The sun would condense it on the sides and the water that dripped off would be pure drinking water.

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