Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Calais, ME

This morning we left Ellsworth headed north on US 9 through the rolling forested hills toward Calais, ME. The terrain became more rugged as we traveled north passing by many clear areas with large smooth boulders in them and the ground covered by short plants that may have been wild blue berries. We arrived at Keens Lake campground shortly after noon. After getting set up we traveled south on US 1 for approximately 40 miles Lubec, ME. There we crossed to Campobello Island New Brunswick, Canada location of the Roosevelt Campobello International Park. This is where many generations of FDR's family spent summers in their cottage. It is really a large 3 story house that has servants quarters, many guest bedrooms, bedrooms for the children, a room for the tutor and a small class room on the second floor. We then drove about 4 miles to Liberty point on the south end of the Island. The first thing we noticed upon getting out of the car was how much colder it was. I suppose it was due to the cold waters of the Bay of Fundy. The point has very rocky cliff formations.

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