Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Big Sur, CA

This morning Chris, Nancy $ myself travelled south west over Hecker Pass in the Santa Cruz Mountains to Watsonville where we went So. on US 1 traveling along the coast past fields of brussel sprouts, strawberries & artichokes through the towns of Salinas, Monterey & Carmel. After leaving Carmel we started traversing winding mountainous tree lined road along the rocky Calif. coast. Much of the time our elevation was probably 300 ft. above the Pacific Ocean on our right side. The Santa Lucia Mountain range on our left made for a beautiful drive. Stopping at Big Sur we ate a very delicious lunch at a small Cafe. The meal was very reasonably priced but the gas that I had to buy was $4.00 a gallon and I had thought $3.01 was to much at Carmel. Leaving the Big Sur area the terrain remained just as rough but the trees were replaced by grassy hills and the ground became sandy
& clay like. A few miles north of San Simeon we stopped at a vista that was full of Elephant Seals laying on the beachs. The sign said at one time they were nearly extinct but in 1990 a few came to this location and the population has explode since then. By the time we had reached San Simeon the hills were much more gentle and less curvy. We stopped at the Hurst Castle visitor center but decided since we had all seen it in the past we would skip the tour of the castle. We continued on south turning left on Rte 49 which traversed the rolling grassy hills over the mountains to Paso Robles in the Salinas valley. Travelling north on US 101 we drove past miles & miles of grape vines until around King City where the valley is filled with vegetable farms all the way to Salinas. Along here we saw fields of onions, sugar beets, tomatoes and much more that I couldn't identify. We arrived back home having enjoyed a very long day of driving and seeing some more of this beautiful land that we call America.

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