Monday, October 12, 2009

Walt Disney Family Museum

Today Chris & David wanted to go to the Walt Disney Family Museum that had just opened the 1st. of Oct. It is located in the Prisidio area of San Francisco near the Golden Gate Bridge. Much to my surprise it was a great museum the I really enjoyed. It took you through the life of Walt Disney from his birth until his death. It also showed some of his parents ancestry. He was born in Kansas on a farm. He took his drawing talent and created an empire when he finally created Micky Mouse after he had been cheated out of a couple of earlier animated creations. His ideas were the basis for many of the cameras and movie making equipment that have been created over the years as he went from cartoons to his first animated movie Snow White. In 1940 the Army took over his studios in Las Angeles for military use so he made training movies for the military in order to stay in business. He created and built many of the pavilions for the New York Worlds fair. In the deal he was allowed disassemble many of them and move them to Las Angles for his theme park idea that was to become Disney Land. He died before his ideas for Disney World in Florida could be realised, but his brother Roy took them and created Disney World. It is not nearly as grand as he had envisioned as his dream was to create a completely self sufficient community on the 14000 acres that he had purchased near Orlando. I came away from the museum with the feeling that in addition to his drawing talents he was also a genius. As we were leaving the museum to go back to the car the Blue Angles were doing their annual show over San Francisco Bay so we got to see some of that also.

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