Thursday, October 8, 2009

Point Reyes National Seashore

Today we decided to drive west about 30 miles to the Point Reyes National Seashore. We soon left the town of Novato behind us. Entering the rural area the terrain was rolling hills covered with dry grass and dotted with trees. This area has a lot of smaller family type dairies. We stopped at a cheese factory that specialises in Brie cheese. They told us that they use only milk from Jersey cows because it has a higher butterfat content. Upon reaching the quaint little coastal town called Point Reyes Station we turned north on Hi way 1. At the point Reyes visitor center we enjoyed the sandwiches and garlic stuffed olives that we had purchased at the cheese factory. On the 20 mile trip on out to Point Reyes Light House we passed many historic farms that were established in the 1850s. The majority of them seemed to be dairies with large herds of Holstein cows. Since this is all national park service land I assume that they are leased to local farmers. Point Reyes National seashore covers 70000 acres on a peninsula that juts 10 miles out into the ocean. It is mostly grass covered treeless rolling hills. Once we reached the the parking area it was a .4 mile hike up the hill to the light house area. After hiking up the hill I chose not to traverse the 330 steps down and back up from there to the light house. It is very rocky at the point high above the light house. The few trees there all seem to grow & lean inland due to the windy conditions (up to 100 MPH) on this high point.

1 comment:

PG said...

That leaning tree is awesome!