Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Novato, CA

This morning we left Fortuna, CA about 10AM heading south on US 101 through the Humbolt Redwoods SP. This route was mostly 4 lane but every once in a while you would hit a strip of 2 lane road where we were winding through giant redwoods that were passing within a couple of feet of the motor home. We gradually moved inland away from the ocean. This area was sparsely populated and most of the road side attractions were closed. Nearing Legget the trees became smaller and grassy meadows began to line the roadside. Moving on south into the Napa valley we saw many grape vineyards as well as cattle and much more traffic. We stopped at Novato about 3PM and will stay here until Fri morning when we will be able to check into Thousand Trails at Morgan Hill. Even though it need trimmed I thought the topiary trimmed like an RV was pretty neat.

1 comment:

PG said...

Next year I am going to hide in your motorhome and go along for the ride!