Saturday, May 2, 2009

Derby Day 2009

Today Mary hosted her annual Derby Day Party. At around 3 PM 16 family members along with Nancy & I gathered at Paul & Mary's for the annual Kentucky Derby Party. We drew horses from the hat and put in a dollar each. I had the favorite and Nancy had a 50-1 long shot. Well I felt pretty smug and confident and Nancy took a lot of teasing about having a horse that was going to need a headlight to finish the race. Well after feeling so smug my horse finished next to last and Nancy's horse won by 10 lengths. We all ate to many snacks and to much derby pie and ice cream cake.
We are so fortunate to have met Paul and Mary 5 years ago. They and their family have made us feel like we have been a part of their family forever.
Today was the 5th. day of rain. I wish Southern Florida could receive some of it.

1 comment:

CLS said...

well - you are right about the rain - it is HOT and DRY here in Sebring. We are planning to leave next Monday (if the MH is ready - need a new motherboard for the HWH jacks).
Safe travels......