Sunday, May 3, 2009

Poplar Bluff, MO

This morning we left Campbellsville, KY in light rain. We traveled NW on Rte 210 To Elizibethtown we then headed west on the West Kentucky Turnpike. Heading west we continued to drive in light rain along the rolling countryside dotted with small farms. The pastures were so green from all of the rain but saw very little farm work that had been done. We did see a few fields that had been planted no till. The trees along the roadway had massive damage from the the ice storm this winter. They are working at cleaning it up but it looks like it will be fall before it is done. They have to completely remove most of the pine trees in spots where the tops and sides are completely broken out or they are toppled. Many of the leaf type trees have similar damage but are more salvageable. At Paduca, KY we turned onto US 60 and continued west into MO driving in heavier rain. The terrain gets very flat around Sikeston, MO and many of the fields had a lot of water in them. This is rice country but I don't believe anything has been planted in them yet. We did see on field that had corn about 5 in. high that must have been planted earlier. There seemed to be a lot of low land flooding on both sides of the Ohio and Mississippi river where we crossed them entering MO. From Sikeston, MO to Polar Bluff the terrain turned hilly and wooded as we are now in the edge of the Ozarks.

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