Thursday, May 28, 2009

Finally Warm Weather

Finally yesterday we were able to shed the sweatshirts or jackets. It warmed up to where a tee shirt was adequate and shorts would have felt good if I hadn't been using the string trimmer.
The trees have budded out and lost the winter look that they had a week ago when we arrived. The hilly pastures that surround us are a deep lush green and the June berries in the coulees are white with blossoms. In the mornings we listen to the nesting geese honk as they fly back and forth over head and the crow of the rooster pheasants calling to their harems. One just couldn't ask for a prettier or more serene setting to spend the summer in.
Sun. night we had over two inches of rain so things were rather muddy around here on Memorial Day. A lot of the campers went home early Mon. morning. It looks like we will keep a pretty full campground this summer. All of the campgrounds, motels and rental housing in the area are full due to the huge influx of workers for all of the work that is being done at the power plants etc. Our camp ground being on Corp. of Engineers property has to go by their rules. That means that in a 60 day period you can only camp here a total of 30 days. We had a guy from Arkansas stop Tues evening looking for truck driving jobs, he made one call Wed morning and could have had a job but chose to go onto Minot and look there. I guess he wasn't to desperate or maybe you can be choosy in this job climate.

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