Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sun. May 24th.

We are on our 6th. day here at Hazen Bay. We have the camp ground about 2/3 full and so far have had very good weather for the holiday weekend. Nancy has had the normal transitional issues with the booking that seem to occur with the transfer of the booking from city hall to us. I say normal but at the time they seem pretty major, they seem to get straightened out and the next day everyone seems to be able to laugh about them. Fri. afternoon after a site mixup one of our seasonal campers was going to go back to Bismarck and never return and Nancy was cleaning out her desk and going back to Florida, however both are still here and laughing about it last evening when we saw them. We have had a couple of mornings with frost on the car tops and one thinks about how warm it would be further south, however after seeing the beautiful sunset over the lake that evening one soon forgets the morning temps and the low 60's temps of the day. Fri. afternoon and evening checking people in was just like old home week as everyone that we knew from the past had hugs and warm welcome back greetings. Last eve we drove the golf cart through the park and visited with people and as always had to sample fresh cooked fish or what ever people were cooking. We had a couple from Wisconsin check in Wed. evening for one night on their way to Teddy Roosevelt National Park. After seeing how beautiful, peaceful and quiet was here they looked us up see if any sites were available for the weekend. They are still with us and making day trips to the national park and the other things they want to see.

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