Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Edwardsville, ILL

This morning After fueling the motor home and saying good by to Paul & Mary We stopped by the computer shop and picked up our computer that had been being worked on since Thur. because the Verizon card wouldn't work They finally decided the card was defective and are sending a new one to us while we are at the Red Barn Rv Park just north of Edwardsville. We left soggy central KY headed north from Campbellsville on KY 210 through the lush green rolling hills. At Elizibethtown we turned north on I-65 to Louisville were we crossed the Ohio river headed west on I-64 toward St Louis. After Passing through the Hoosier National forest the terrain began to level as we entered the flatter farming areas of Indiana & Ill. We passed many soggy corn fields that were either just emerging to a few that were about 5 in. tall. We also saw a lot of fields covered yellow mustard that looked to be last years corn stalks. I imagine when they dry they will be planted to soybeans. Just east of St Louis we turned north on I-55 and are parked at the Red Barn RV Park where we will be until Sun. While here we will visit Family and friends in the surrounding 100 mile area. This evening My cousin Burt Ball and his wife Michelle picked us up and we went out for supper. After arriving here I got on the Park wi-fi to try to catch up on some things and finally gave up as it was slow like molasses. I decide to try the Verizon card that didn't work and low and behold it works here. I guess when the new one arrives tomorrow we will send the old one in anyway. On my next blog I will try to fill you in on last week.

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